Featured Generations

"create a script that save an existing bool value inside the player"


"create a script that will allow the player too pick up a object and make it disappear when clicked"


"Make a script that gets a sound ID from roblox and plays it when the player touches the coin"


"make the text more visible and make the text white as well"


"when lecutio is said the person will lose 10 health every 2 seconds until they say stop"


"Lights to flicker when monster is nearby"


"make a script where if a player equips a tool named "LexusKey" a imagelabel named "Key" that is inside of a screengui named "Keyfob" becomes visible"


"when the onwer join the game you will get a badge"


"Create a script, that makes a function fire only one time once its touched by a player and can only be fired again once the player stops touching the part."




"make a script that affects all parts named 2x that double the amount of bullets in the leaderstat as soon as a ball touches the part and after the part touches the 2x part then destroy the part"


"make it so if Humanoid health = 0 then stop the entire script"


"Generate a Roblox Lua script for a game where players collect items that spawn randomly around the map. Each player has an inventory to store their items. When a player collects an item, it should disappear from the map and appear in their inventory."


"Write me a script that generates decorative grass for parts using the grass material"


"02:46:59.830 Workspace.Trigger.SleepPrompt.Script:8: attempt to index nil with 'Character' - Server - Script:8"


"make rock paper scissors"


"Create a mile morales spec for my jojo game using a bizzare day engine , tell what keys are for what moves and make each sure each move does damage and etc"


"server script that makes parts tagged with Fall using the tageditor, 0.5 transparent and noncollidable for 3 seconds if a player touches the part. add detailed comments, instructions and explanation"


"make a leaderboard for levels and also make it display the players level above the characters head and make the level go up every minute by one"


"make a script that makes the player move to the most close player using path finding but if the most close player dies move on to another player"


"make me an exploit gui"


"write a script for a npc that faces the player and says a message when they are in a certain radius and tell me where to place the script and what kind of script it should be"


"make a script that works inside the part that changes the modelname to what the value inside of the configuration is and make it update every frame"


"New players received item located in replicatedstorage if player is new to game and must work on actual game not only studio"


"can you make a script that will kick the player who types the "!kick" command in chat"


"make a script inside a tool that plays a sound located inside the tool whenever a NPC with a humanoid called Enemy is damaged but only players close enough can hear it"


"When the mouse button is clicked on TextButton, the script makes the TextButton object invisible"


"make a script that creates a part."


"make a script to kick players with only people in this group here is the group id 16482574 and people with only rank 252 and higher can you this command there is a gui in the game i want you to connect it too so that if you click a button i want you"


"received the following error: ServerScriptService.Script:80: Radius is not a valid member of Humanoid "Workspace.NPCs.Rig.Humanoid""


"can you make me a script that when a player types /b it spawns a copy of a ball and you can only spawn 1 ball per player and if the ball somehow isnt in the workspace allow the player to spawn a ball again"


"Write a script that lets the part send a chat message to the player after being touched"


"Make me a script where I can change the angle of my screen up and down. I can use the keybinds f and g to switch the angles 5 and -5. Then make that script to be able to be used in football games."


"create a leaderstats script"


"create a Field of Battle roblox script that allows you to get legendary gems and gold that has its own custom gui with sliders that have the max capacity of 100000 for each"


"Write me a script for a death system that causes the player to ragdoll instead of the default death."


"and after the player that is not whitelisted inside of the stringvalue jumps the frame named"Whitelist" inside ofthe screengui named "Whitelist System" Goes Visible."


"Roblox script that spawns bombs in the sky at random"


"Write me a script that turns my character red when I touch a certain part."


"Spawn part with proximity prompt, if player activates proximity prompt spawn a seat and force player to sit, when player clicks w slide part forward, when player clicks s slide part backwards, if player clicks e force player to exit seat"


"The new brickcolor is supposed to be a name for example 'dark blue'. And make sure it makes the team name the updated textbox.text"


"an script that will optimize every mesh to performance for mobile players and will make every mesh for pc players precise"


"create code for a textbutton that will fire a remotevent named clanEvent when it is pressed the clanEvent remote is in a folder named Remotes in replicated storage add a cooldown so that the remotevent cant be spammed when button is pressed"


"script that gives the player a random piece of gear from the Gear folder in serverstorage every 5 minutes if they are stage 210."


"server script that kills the player if they touch parts tagged with Lava using the tageditor. add detailed comments, explanation and instructions."


"Create a random price item script using Bedwars scripting docs"


"Neo Soccer League Script GUI Hack (AIMBOT, AUTO GOAL, BALL SIZE, AND MORE"


"make a control to sprint code tell me where to put it"


"create a shop gui for the owner and has Roblox gear id's and has a close button and open button and also needs the creator id"


"the distance is not being tracked properly, can you fix this?"


"Göre ett anitcheat till roblox och sen när han har gårt det 3 gånger då blir han kickad"


"create a magnitude script thats make the lights flicker when the monster is near of lights"


"CreateA script that makes the part grow or shrink in when the leftmousebutton is clicked. This is a part is located in workspace.Part"


"create a chat tag system"


"disable default backpack"


"create a script inside starterplayerscripts that makes players roll when they press Q and plays an animation."


"make a very complex stand script for roblox, and give me instructions of what to do so the script works"


"make a dancing npc with instructions on where to insert the code"


"make a roblox script whenever i hold down right click my mouse locks on to the most close player and it will follow them with the mouse so it aims at them but it does not make my camera zoom to them make it just so it follows them stay in place"


"make a script where if you say taco it rains tacos and play a song"


"make a script in every 1 second something happens with the baseplate"


"Code something were when you say /execute in chat. And put your lua code after it runs the lua code. loadstring is not available. 17:35:28.356 OnMessageReceived is not a valid member of Chat "Chat" - Server - Script:5. on line 5."


"when Harlandroblox says !game6 it will say on the middle of the screen if you talk with in 60 seconds you will get kicked and if anyone does talk before the 60 second rule is up it will kick the player who talked and it will say you talked..... but if Harlandroblox talks it will not kick him"


"make sure it remembers the player even after they leave the server"


"make a custom animation script for when players join they're forced to sue that walk where would i put it"


"Create a camera system where the player can move the camera around by just moving their mouse."


"create a script inside a NPC Model that plays a sound called Move located in NPC humanoidRootPart when an NPC walks"


"when a player walks into my Part called pmurd it will go for 50 seconds then come back when you walk into it it will bring a gui on the middle of the screen with the names of all the players in the server you can only have one gui at a time and when you click one of the names it will kill that player then the gui will go off the screen when my part called pmurd is gone you can not use it"


"Make me a CombatSystem that checks if the player has clicked if the player has clicked it will play 5 different animations that each Punch using the Players Arms the combat system will have a hitbox and be able to damage Players/NPCS instructions"


"Make me a rebirth system and if the player has enough coins which will be 500 they will rebirth and get a multiplier of 2x each rebirth and if they dont change the text to Not Enough coins and the amount needed and if they do add 1 rebirth"


"if I move my mouse the color of the black screen changes"


"create a local script inside a tool that plays a idle animation when the player is standing and running while holding the tool"


"The hinge needs to be in it. Is there another way to set the script to open at 90, and close at 0."


"create a text button that lets you choose a button"


"make a sprint script where the player moves faster with custom animation where to put it aswell"


"if I move my mouse the color of the black screen changes"


"instead of a weld make it a rope constraint from the upper torso to UT"


"make a script so that when a player has a broom equipped then the model Bottle trash will make its proximity prompt visible but only if a player has a broom equipped"


"create a voting system where players can vote for others buildings"


"adopt me script that allows to pet farm and baby farm at the same time with a button and when preesed enable/disable the pet and baby auto farm and add a button that when preeesed is labeld hide hides the window"


"create a shift to run script with run animations"


"create a sprint system with a animation"


"make sure the taskwait is random number within 0.5 and 3"


"When you walk into the park it makes you run 20"


"Write a script that generates grass on parts using the Grass material with cancollide set to false"


"my part will follow players and if it touches a player it will do 25 damage"


"If I click this button then I explode"


"make a script that makes my character walk to a close opposite team player"


"print hello world but don't print hello world"


"create me a script that shows a button and when pressed remove the spam restriction for roblox"


"When you join the game, there will be a GUI that says "Play" and "Quit" and the background will be fully Black and the "Play" and "Quit" will be UICorner"


"make me a roblox admin only chat command script with ban player, kick player and give player tool (Checks replicated storage "Tools" folder and checks all subfolders for the tool name)"


"create a script inside a tool that will make it stackable in player backpack"


"make a click simulator with a gui."


"make it so it converts user input from a decal id to a image id"


"make an script that turns SunRays off when pressing the textbutton and it makes the textbutton's text from On to Off and if SunRays is off when pressing it will turn it back on"


"create a roblox script that will spawn the model "box" (with door1, door2, door3 and door4) around the original box, left right front or back, and open the door respective to the side it was spawned at."


"make ma a script that makes that when i type on the chat "karting" a model appears above me and give instructions"


"make a roblox script where you will move to the most close person using path finding then once your near them you will click left click auto automatically but if they get too far stop but if you get close continue"


"make a part change color every 2 seconds to a random color make it work inside of the part and make the selection of colors be 15 random colors from the brick color options"


"fling all players far when player clicks a ui button and then purchases a gamepass"


"when they walk up to the wall When they walk up to the wall they freeze"