"create a script where when you click my part called Door1 it will open but not get in the way of the player"
"can you make a april fools script that something happens to the map"
"make a script that freezes my character in place"
"make a /size command "number to size""
"if I move my mouse the color of the black screen changes"
"can you make me a ban gui for owners that has a closing button and an open button?"
"Make a script that makes the camera over the shoulder in third person with instructions on where to put it"
"award a badge if the player is in the same server as the game's creator"
"while wait how do i use it"
"Create a vote kick script in a serverscript. Yes, no buttons and text label are placed at game.StarterGui.VoteKickGui.Frame The vote kick should end when all the players voted or after 5 seconds."
"make a script in every 1 second something happens with the baseplate"
"create a high quality landscape"
"make a time settings menu with 2 options with one being a toggle for turning on or off current os time to time in game with the other being a fogend toggler from low to higher and can be opened and closed with the main button on the top right of the screen"
"Make an advanced automatic train system. Formula calculates time for a train to stop perfectly at distance ST from position S. Vf=0, Vi=35mph, a=3.0 mph/s (deceleration)."
"If a player has a tool named "Football" equipped then it will remove a tool named "Tackle" from the player's inventory."
"Make a teleporter that teleports when i press e button but i need to have 1 rebirth to teleport"
"make a script that makes my character strong"
"create a text button that lets you choose a button"
"Gui Frame only visible to players who has the bool value of Knight"
"Please keep the entire current script, please update it so after someone creates a crew it hides the starting Frame and makes another frame visible. I have the GUIs already, I need the 2nd frame to list the Crew Name, The Crew Owner, the Overall Crew Bounty, and the crew members."
"make a GUI called project sigma that makes you execute the require script in whatever script and when you press require script you will kick all of the players on the game"
"make part swing open like a door every 6 seconds, the part flings the player when it swings open. add detailed comments"
"Create a vote kick script in a serverscript. Yes, no buttons and text label are placed at game.StarterGui.VoteKickGui.Frame The vote kick should end when all the players voted or after 5 seconds."
"constantly check for the nearest waypoint and update the path in real time"
"hello world"
"every time someone says in chat "i love you" or "i like you" or "kiss me" you get kicked and this audio plays 798363151"
"Make me a Combat System where it will Punch using the Players Hands and Also Playing 5 Animations that will be The Punching Animations Make me a hitbox system as well and a Combat Input System as well With instructions on how to set up"
"make a function when i press e it runs and it says hello world"
"Make a roblox script where if Harlandroblox says !game2 then it will rain red blocks from the sky above all players head for 15 seconds and they will disappear off the floor in 20 seconds but if a players touches one they get kicked and it will says Oops! make the blocks unanchored"
"can you make it so when you press m it makes the frame SettingFrame visible inside the screengui im gonna put this script and when you press again it makes it invisible"
"create a script where when you click my part called Door1 it will function as a door"
"adopt me script that allows to pet farm and baby farm at the same time with a button and when preesed enable/disable the pet and baby auto farm and add a button that when preeesed is labeld hide hides the window"
"create a swordscript for a sword tool"
"create a text button that shows how many players are playing in a game"
"Make me a shop system where if the player has a certain amount of Rebirth boost bought it increases the amount of rebirths they get everytime they click the rebirth button"
"if the player touches a part called ERRORPLATE, then they turn into the startercharacter inside of serverstorage"
"script that sets the background color of a GUI frame when a dropdown selection is made"
"Create a script that when I put it into workspace makes it rain blocks."
"Make a script when ProximityPrompt is triggered it makes ProximityPrompt.ObjectText = Stop make it so player gets 1 Coins each 3 seconds, local Stop = script.Parent local toggle = true"
"you have to use ProximityPromptService.PromptButtonHoldBegan and Ended. when began play the animation and sound then when ended delete the script.parent.parent"
"you need to make all of the scripts for every UI and make it very optimized"
"add to the script you just generated by creating a second button, when clicked it adds a tab to the dropdown menu with the text *player who clicked button*'s menu"
"if you try to walk it will not let you and it will promp you to buy this developer id if you do then you can walk 1537537917 but each time you try to walk it will promp you"
"make me a script wich lets me have admin at the game"
"make a server script that when player touches a Part Named Orb it sets off a remote function giving player permant speed boost of 5"
"i already have the variables, randomSpawn on line 16 is erroring for unknown global"
"instead of Player.UserID can you use the name"
"Code something were when you say /execute in chat. And put your lua code after it runs the lua code. loadstring is not available. 17:35:28.356 OnMessageReceived is not a valid member of Chat "Chat" - Server - Script:5. on line 5."
"cREATE a server script that tells roblox that the player CortFile has left the game"
"a roblox script that once you step on a part named "PartFreeze" it freezes your client for 3 seconds and the unfreezes it. also tell where to put the script at"
"make me a script where if you say !handto you give the tool your holding to the person you say !handto username"
"instead of a weld make it a rope constraint from the upper torso to UT"
"can you make me a ban gui for owners that has a closing button and an open button?"
"Make me a script that stores the players data for coins and rebirths and loads them back in when the player joins the game the data store will create a seperate data folder that will save the players coins and rebirths then add them to leaderstats"
"Create a script that keeps a part on the tracks. But instead of the part moving to the exact CFrame of the tracks the part can still move through it with constraints like a ski lift or a zipline."
"Make me an Admin Command That allows Players to Teleport to other Players teleport Players to them Make sure it uses the Prefix ? and uses local admins Table"
"Make a event system like survive the disasaters but it modifies parts and adds effects to them also only use messages and hints"
"make me leaderstats with the name "Coins""
"create night vision goggle script"
"create a system that plays sound at night and day"
"create a script inside a Union that will make it spin."
"make an event that gives all players the face accessory of a specific id and the head accessory of a specific id for 60 seconds"
"make a shift to sprint"
"replace the word huh with a random number from 1 to 1000 in a hint"
"make part swing open like a door every 6 seconds, flinging the player off."
"write me leaderstats for kills, deaths and Cash! All this should save when the player leaves the game"
"a clicking simulator with comments explaining where to put everything, and if Im supposed to change anything"
"Make a part that if a player hits the part it will make them sit for 3 seconds"
"make it so the damage happens only one time, and not a lot of times in a hit"
"Make a script that saves a players data when they leave and loads it back in when they join the game while creating a folder named player data where it will save all of the players data with instructions"
"make a script for me get any gear i want by just putting the id of the gear"
"create a roblox script where if a exploiter trys to fly it will kick them if they try to get my jumppower or walkspeed it will kick them"
"a lazer eye tool where if I hold down my mouse for 2 seconds i shoot 2 deadly beams out of my eyes with good vfx, it doesnt work"
"make a fire effect and tell me where to put it in studio"
"create a script when you click it spawns a part"
"can you make a cmdr invisible command script to go under 'invisServer' with admin permission level on roblox"
"advanced zombie script that I can place inside a rig and make it so that it has the typical roblox walk animation"
"make a part change color every 2 seconds to a random color"
"make script to go visible and invisible"
"Create an over-the-shoulder camera view that overrides the default ROBLOX camera view."
"script a tool that makes the player shrink when player left clicks with tool equipped."
"when tool is equipped it will have a ui that says " press F" when you press f a remote function in replicated storage will activate"
"write me a main menu script with gui, add comments to code telling me where to put it in studio"
"create a gui that shows up every time a player levels up"
"a tweened part"
"make it check for a specific folder in serverstorage, as well as the tool name"
"make a control script so players can only move on one axis"
"make a working weapon for a player with instructions on where to put the code"
"Create a vote kick script in a serverscript. Yes, no buttons and text label are placed at game.StarterGui.VoteKickGui.Frame The vote kick should end when all the players voted or after 5 seconds."
"Create an advanced train driving system"
"Create a tycoon generator"
"Create a realistic IGBT VVVF"
"Make a SellPad that sells Food"
"script a shop menu for my shop that has a close button and open button"
"create a text button that shows how many players are playing in a different game place."
"Create a tween that makes the player's character body parts float out of the current position and slowly fade away when the character walks"
"create me a roblox minigame where you need to do color matching to open a door with instructions"
"it doesnt tilt the camera"
"Make a nice and aesthetic looking GUI that greets you to a game named "Coloured Cars" that says "Press anything to continue" and closes when you press anything on the keyboard or if you click the mouse button and doesn't re-open when you die."
"add the hit and stay functions in this script"
"make it so that the frame smoothly fades in"
"make a script that when you old shift you speed with tween teleport make sure it uses tween teleport and not walkspeed change"