Featured Generations

"give an example of the use of a moduale script for a speed simulator"


"script to make all parts tagged with "Kill" to kill the player. add in-depth detailed comments."


"create a script where when a player stands on my part called Bank it will countdown 10 seconds above my part called bank and if they stay on it for 10 seconds then they get 500 Money but if they come off it the countdown ends"


"when the onwer join the game you will get a badge"


"Make me a Script for a gui where the gui will go over the players head and show their rank and name the rank will go under the players Name"


"when you have launcher equipped and tap the screen the bey launches and then you can control the bey with the mobile joystick add comments"


"I want to make a "You have met the owner" badge, but after it has been obtained a total of 100 times, it will no longer be possible to receive it unless I increase the limit, and I want clear instructions on how to do it."


"make a script to print in red lua"


"make a random object in the area were the player is become alive and once and object have became alive then apply physics to it and make it chase the player"


"A leaderboard that has "wins" and "minutes" when the player steps on the part wins it will add it to the leaderboard and they can only win once a day and count the minutes"


"player gets a tool on touching a part, tool and part both are in the workspace"


"Make a enemy pathfinding script"


"make an event that gives all players a hat . add detailed comments and instructions"


"server script that makes parts tagged with Fall using the tageditor, 0.5 transparent and noncollidable for 3 seconds if a player touches the part. add detailed comments, instructions and explanation"


"make the part smoothly go up and down"


"Teleport the player a few inches behind his self from the part"


"make me a commandwhere if you say !fly you fly. only rank 247 or up in group can use it. only r6 can use it"


"make a script for pets that players can unlock when they reach certain stages and rebirths. the pets float and follow behind the player. pets can be selected from a ui add detailed comments, explanation and instructions"


"Create a part that plays a loading screen on player touch"


"Trigger the camera lock on the touch of a part"


"create a punch script with hitboxes and explain where to put it, and make it so that I can replace the animations inside the script its not working"


"can you make a cmdr invisible command script to go under 'invisServer' with admin permission level on roblox"


"player dashes forward with Q while holding W player dashes backwards with Q while holding S player dashes Left side ways with Q while holding A player dashes Right Side ways with Q while holding D all with custom animations"


"door control system"


"make a roblox script that loop follows the most close player"


"Flashlight to flicker when monster is nearby"


"make a anti noclip cheat"


"create a daily reward system that has a frame and has multiple button inside of it. instruction on how to set it up."


"Fix this script please."


"Make a loading screen and the stop the character from autoloading in, only after they click the play button will their character load in the game"


"when Harlandroblox says !banish then a players username it will tp them to my Part called bozo and then they will start spawning at position 71, 5.5, -37 instead of the normal spawn point"


"create a script inside a tool that heals a player when they left click holding the tool and has a particle effect"


"When you click my Parts called eat they will disappear and it will play this sound 1278031541"


"create a mobile only text button that will swing a tool"


"When you join the game, there will be a GUI that says "Play" and "Quit" and the background will be fully Black and the "Play" and "Quit" will be UICorner"


"create a gui that when clicked makes a sound effect play."


"Give me a realistic smooth motion blur script that applies blur when the player rotates their camera in first person."


"when a player steps on the model, shake the model for 2 seconds and then make the model cancollide false and transparent. make the model cancollide true and opaque after 3 seconds."


"create a script that makes the player roll forward when the player press Q and plays a rolling animation."


"Create the systems necessary for a basic strategy game."


"make a lava"


"Create a stunning admin menu complete with a list of players and buttons for banning kicking and warning each player"


"a roblox script that creates a smooth highlight of the the outline of your character"


"every second game idea"


"how to make a notepad thats send message for player when click in the text button"


"create a code that spawns a part in front of the player whenever the e button is pressed"


"make me admin only chat commands"


"Create a vote kick script in a serverscript. Yes, no buttons and text label are placed at game.StarterGui.VoteKickGui.Frame The vote kick should end when all the players voted or after 5 seconds."


"whenever you click a tool called damage, you lose 10 health"


"player gets a tool on touching a part"


"Create a realistic script where if a part which is a cylinder or sphere touches a Part named "TrackJoint" while moving, it plays a realistic metal thud sound."


"make it so that the letter when typing in a textbox bounces in"


"Create a Zombie spawner"


"Intercepts any change to the camera's field of view that tries to change it to 70 field of view, Intercept it and smoothly change it to 100"


"Create raining parts from the sky and if you get hit by them they disappear but you take 5 damage make it have more then one part at a time"


"I want to limit the number of times certain badges can be obtained for everyone."


"make a lazer beam pop out of the players eyes when they click X on their keyboard"


"there is a little icon with a ? at the middle top of the screen when you click it it says Hello Thanks For Playing then a new line and it says You Can Find Lucky Blocks Threw Out The Obby They All Do Different Things but there are also optional this is the asset id 13263013887"


"fire follows and kills"


"make a round system, with gui on top of the screen"


"roblox hacks"


"make a script that if the player is swimming then the bar decreases in size horizontally, if the player isnt swimming then restore size back to {0, 363},{0, 6} make sure to use tween"


"make a script that makes the player move to the most close player using path finding but if the most close player dies move on to another player"


"make a random block hole script"


"Make a roblox script for a leaderestats calle Robux when a player kills somone the gets 1 leaderstat if the die they get -1 leader stat"


"when ad somnum is said the person who said it will fall down and there screen will blur for 10 seconds"




"make a roblox lua scrpt that crashes you're game this is only for testing purpose"


"Create a script that makes npcs play an animation"


"script for chess board as a GUI, and add little circled on specific spaces where pawns would go and make it that I can move them one spot as they are adjustable"


"Make a Punching script that when the player clicks it will play the animation and when it touches another player or model/npc it will do 10 dmg with instructions"


"Write a script for a realistic door"


"make a chat command that changes all parts named: oil cleanoil sparkleoil shinyoil and ultraoil by changing the part color to what the player chats every 0.01 seconds and make the chat command like this: /color 255 255 255"


"make a script that makes my character stuck in place when i press x and unstuck when i press x again"


"Create a roblox VFX like a gpo effect a attack effect"


"make a sea when you say sea in chat make it so you can go through it to."


"make a lua script executor. Also make the gui."


"when I click the button a frame tweens up from the bottom middle"


"Kavo fly toggle script"


"when a player steps on the model, shake the model for 2 seconds and then make the model cancollide false and transparent. make the model cancollide true and opaque after 3 seconds."


"Make me a Upgrade system with instructions on how to use"


"create a sea with instance.new and when you say sea in chat make it so you can go through it too oh and every time you say sea again it rises and the width gets bigger too every time you say sea again."


"Spawn part with proximity prompt, if player activates proximity prompt spawn a seat and force player to sit, when player clicks w slide part forward, when player clicks s slide part backwards, if player clicks e force player to exit seat"


"Make me a roblox football script where my camera angle sets the perfect angle for the best dime. It determines the best perfect angle with the football power. I press the button g to active this script."


"Write me a script that generates random grass on a part"


"make a roblox lua script that puts the player in 3d person view"


"make black background gui"


"create a text button that shows how many players are playing in a different game place."


"hello world"


"a player holds W make player dash forward by pressing Q a player holds A make player dash left by pressing Q a player holds s make player dash back by pressing Q a player holds D make player dash right by pressing Q w/ custom animations for each"


"add prints so you know how many more seconds are left in rounds"


"create a sea with instance.new and when you say sea in chat make it so you can go through it too oh and every time you say sea again it rises and the width gets bigger too every time you say sea again."


"Create me a script to save usernames of the players when join the game in database and after that print all the usernames store in the database. The database name is onlyusernames"


"create an advanced fireball script with the keybind "Q""


"make a script i can put inside my SurfaceGui where you can click a button saying hi and it will kill you or one saying noob and it will make you explode"


"make a nice loading screen gui with instruction on where to insert the code"


"Create a checkpoint system where the player's location can be saved based on touching the checkpoint"


"how do u make a part kill a player"


"write me a roblox chat command script thats admin only, with kick player, ban player, give player tool (from replicated storage Tools folder, make sure to check all subfolders for the tool name) and the ban must save to a datastore"


"make a custom animation script for when players join they're forced to sue that walk"


"make me an exploit gui"


"make a roblox code where there is a timer at the top of the screen it will count down 60 seconds and when the time is up it will tp all players to one of my Parts Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 Part11 Part12 but only one player can be tped to each part then the countdown will go off the screen and if all players die it will restart the countdown again and make it so when all players get tped my part called Spinner will start to spin slowly and go faster each 3 seconds but when all players die the speed will go back to 0"