Featured Generations

"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, headbobbing, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."




"Get nearest gameobject from the player with a tag called Hook, also it needs to be visible to the player. This on a 2D project"


"create a party system like in Deltarune where characters follow you with a public method to add characters with different sprites for different directions"


"draw line by dragging mouse"


"Write me a script for an enemy spawner"


"create enemy spawner in a 2d game"


"set resolution"


"rgb color for gorilla tag copy and tell me how to use it"


"grenade enemy explosion"


"Convert to string"


"On trigger, activate game object"


"Restart button when the game is fail or completed"


"spawn 2d game object in unity 3d"


"Create a cube"


"script that let's me play an animation with settrigger and makes sure nothing else happens until the animation is finished"


"Hitscan Gun with Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with r key, sound plays when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, bullet tracer and impact effect that destroys itself."


"count down sound"


"get components of object"


"create an enemy spawner"


"sum two numbers"


"Hitscan weapon with Trail render Bullet Trail, Bullet Spawn Point using a transform, Bullet speed, Bullet Distance, Rate of fire, Multiple custom shooting sounds, Impact and Muzzle flash Particle support. Delete effect after wall hit or time."




"background audio in game"


"Get nearest gameobject from the player with a tag called Hook, also it needs to be visible to the player"


"set color on tap"


"hideflag object"


"Destroy the Game and Remove the gameObejct"


"In Unity 2D, create a green square called "terrain" at layer 0. Create a red capsule the appropriate size for a player on layer 1. On the same layer as the player, create a maze that the player starts at the middle of with one exit with squares."


"send message to apply damage"


"Character controller with hollow knight like movement like wall jumping or dash"


"create a 2d gungeon generator"


"Create code for a 3d fps shooter game where you fight zombies"


"create coin object that has a looping 2d animation"


"On trigger touch, start animation"


"change skybox in game play by light intensity"


"Control Player and set his Movement all about Player Body"


"Music visualization"


"move vehicle with Accelerometer or Gyroscope"


"create a cube that you can move by holding it and if you not longer holding it, you place it where you no longer holded"


"open a url on click"


"create a script where you can add characters to a list who will follow the player with their sprites changing to show their direction and with variable speeds and distances for a 2d game"


"enemy wave"


"Multiplayer network"


"rotate 3D object by touch, only horizontal rotation"


"follow object with mouse cursor"


"After button press, ,make colour blink for 0.5 seconds from normal to specific hex to normal again, repeatedly."


"move enemyai toward player to attack"


"create script that makes a character move around"


"make a rgb for my gorilla tag copy and tell me how to use it in steps"


"create an inventory system that is easy to customize from the Unity UI"


"HitscanGun with Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with r key, sound play when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, TrailRender bullet and impact effect that destroys itself."


"A dialogue system with scriptable objects, a system to choose multiple options being able to activate dialogue from an npc and with an events system so you can make things happen in the game Also you get new dialogue when talking to a character again"


"create a 3d player controller that can walk, run, jump, roll and attack."


"open and close door on button click"


"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."


"create cube pooler"


"create a baseplate"


"HitscanGun with Fire rate, multiple shot sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo system and Reloading with R key, sound play when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, TrailRender bullet and impact effect that destroy itself."


"Create And Join Room By Using Photon SDK"


"Create a class that draws multiple raycast2d in all directions, if they hit a wall they should reflect. It needs to return the hits that hit any colliders from the "Player" and "Friendly" layers, either directly or after the raycast2d was reflected."


"make a unity script that will auto spawn blocks"


"Plays an animation every time left mouse is pressed and it doesn't play for a custom amount of time with also a system that makes it reload after it pressed for an amount of time. (The ammo goes down when pressed left click after the animation ends)"


"change the item when player collides"


"Interactable lever after pressing E"


"Save Coins Uisng Playerpref"


"give hint to user on click"


"The user launches the app and is presented with a menu in which he can select which aviary to approach. When approaching an aviary, the user is shown information about what kind of aviary it is, how many animals live there, their sex and what sound t"


"move and rotate object with arrow keys"


"create a third person player controller that can walk, sprint, jump and roll. make the movement relative the direction the camera is facing. make sure the character is facing forward when they walk. include a description of how to implement it"


"hide object with delay"


"Write a compute shader function in hlsl that draw a line from point A to B in a texture. Add comments to code."


"reload scene"


"spawn coin object on hit"


"Create a class that draws multiple raycast2d in all directions, if they hit a wall they should reflect. It needs to return the hits that hit any colliders from the "Player" and "Friendly" layers, either directly or after the raycast2d was reflected."


"create a room in an online game"


"create an enemy spawner"


"Create a cube"


"Class which toggles the teleport on the right thumb stick input its use in VR unity games"


"Does not destroy the game object when loading next scene"


"script for a coin magnet"


"Occlusion Area Center"


"create a visual novel architecture"


"buy menu in game"


"Interactable lever after pressing E add comments to code"


"how to download scene from addressable c#"


"add items at runtime"


"connect to a chat server and communicate for clients in online game"


"gun reload"


"dance animation"


"2D character jumping on waypoints"


"Create a cube and assign a material to it with a shader"


"Get nearest gameobject from the player with a tag called Hook, also it needs to be visible to the player. This on a 2D project"


"When all objects are destroyed, activate another script"


"make a red car"


"Changing the cameras on mouse enter and exit"


"move UI element on an arc using LeanTween"


"generate a script for a 3 x 3 terrain"


"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."


"AI System with detection, smart navmesh and intuitive ai."


"make a cube that will auto spawn"


"A base class for a 2D platformer enemy"