Featured Generations

"Functional Complex Character Controller with built in camera system that uses RigidBody. Footsteps system, headbobbing, Stamina system (With running), Jump, crouch, breathing system when sprinting, no stamina or stamina not in use and Grounding."


"spawn coin object on hit"


"make the camera follow player"


"Hitscan weapon with Trail render Bullet Trail, Bullet Spawn Point using a transform, Bullet speed, Bullet Distance, Rate of fire, Multiple custom shooting sounds, Impact and Muzzle flash Particle support. Delete effect after wall hit or time."


"Create an item factory that produces an item every 10 seconds. The factory can only hold 2 items, while holding 2 items it should stop producing more items."


"Interactable lever after pressing E"


"create a cube"


"print hello"


"throw a baseball ball"


"Make scene switch after rigidbody with tag Player reaches a trigger"


"count down sound"


"create UI Button on runtime"


"2d platformer character controller"


"tap area of game"


"a music controller class"


"Script a player movement"


"print life is useless"




"set the layer"


"A base class for a 2D platformer enemy"


"implement fb login system"


"When certain objects are destroyed, activate an object"


"Interactable lever after pressing E add comments to code"


"dance animation"


"scale on mouse down"


"add hover effect on text"


"2d platformer character controller"


"create an image aligner"


"edit the wraptime of UI in game"


"create a button flicker class in unity"


"create a 3rd person orbit camera controller that uses mouse input to orbit the player"


"play sound on start"


"coin collect on trigger"


"Gun shooting with hitscan, Fire rate, Shooting sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo management and Reloading with r key, sound plays when R is pressed, Shooting effect and impact effect that destroys itself."


"write me a full script for a 3d shooter that works"


"a infinite runner"


"camera slow motion delay"


"create an enemy spawner"


"double jump of character"


"Hitscan weapon with Trail render Bullet Trail, Bullet Spawn Point using a transform, Bullet speed, Bullet Distance, Rate of fire, Multiple custom shooting sounds, Impact and Muzzle flash Particle support."


"third person action adventure character controller that can walk, run jump and roll. make it scalable so that custom input, actions and animations can be added in the inspector. add comments to code"


"Create a system with a public function where you can add party members to a list which follow the player in a line"


"create a 3d player controller that can walk, run, jump, roll and attack."


"move UI element on an arc using LeanTween"


"Class which toggles the teleport on the right thumb stick input its use in VR unity games"


"implement behavior tree for complicated enemy pattern."


"draw line by dragging mouse"


"create a baseplate"


"set debug developer console option to true"


"pause and resume game"


"AI System with detection, smart navmesh and intuitive ai."


"Create a clicker game with instructions on how to make it work"


"play the audio on zoom out"


"Make scene switch after rigidbody reaches a trigger"


"create an enemy spawner"


"Make me a Walking/Running system with instructions on how to set up and use"


"The user launches the app and is presented with a menu in which he can select which aviary to approach. When approaching an aviary, the user is shown information about what kind of aviary it is, how many animals live there, their sex and what sound t"


"gun reload"


"connect to a chat server and communicate for clients in online game"


"rts unite movement script with collision detection"


"create a tower base class for a tower defense game"


"third person action adventure character controller where you can add custom actions"


"Create code for a 3d fps shooter game where you fight zombies"


"create cube pooler"


"change the cameras on mouse enter and exit"


"hello world"


"create a baseplate"


"create coin object"


"Create a clicker game with a shop with instructions on how to set up the code"


"throw a baseball ball"


"HitscanGun with Fire rate, multiple shot sound and animation with cooldown and doesn't play when reloading, Ammo system and Reloading with R key, sound play when R is pressed, Muzzle effect, TrailRender bullet and impact effect that destroy itself."


"create cube pooler"


"Create a 7 by 7 square with an empty center with a game object called "desk" that has two empty slots in the center at the bottom, and 4 more desks in the center. Each square is 1 unity unit by 1 unity unit"


"After Audio1 end, Start Audio2 and loop immediately."


"fix the frame rate in game"


"Activating an object with an animation and nothing can be triggered in the object when the animation is currently active"


"Write me a script for an enemy spawner"


"save file different scene"


"create a 2d gungeon generator"


"create enemy spawner in a 2d game"


"Character switching at runtime"


"Interactable lever after pressing E add comments to code"


"create a cube"


"Create a clicker game with instructions on how to make it work"


"Change the colors randomly of sprites and meshes at runtime"


"changing colors mesh and sprite"


"Save Coins Uisng Playerpref"


"create a cube"


"enemy movement on collide without pressing button"


"Music visualization"


"get instance id with 10 game objects"


"create a cube and make it fall at position -1.92-0.4-0.3168189"


"follow object with mouse cursor"


"create a room in an online game"


"make a rgb for my gorilla tag copy and tell me how to use it"


"create a third person player controller that can walk, sprint, jump and roll. make the movement relative the direction the camera is facing. make sure the character is facing forward when they walk. include a description of how to implement it"


"add items at runtime"


"advanced ai system"


"generate a script for a 3 x 3 terrain"


"Complex Character Controller that uses RigidBody"


"create an enemy spawner"


"scale object at runtime"